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CCT at the Advanced Work Packaging Conference 2019


London, England – May 14-15, 2019: CCT's Chairman Zuhair Haddad was invited as a guest speaker to this year’s Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) Conference, organized by GroupASI.

Held at the ILEC Conference Centre, a West London Conference venue, the conference consisted of 2 consecutive days, full of presentations, panel discussions and breakout sessions focusing on current Advanced Work Packaging priorities and challenges, covering different topics by engineers, constructors, suppliers, researchers, and developers. [Schedule and Breakout Sessions]

Zuhair Haddad's presentation was part of the Best Practices Breakout Session, focusing on project performance best practices, titled: BIM, Lean and Advanced Work Packaging - How do they fit together? 
Take a look at it below. 


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CCT International
TEL LB: +961 1 819500 Ext. 240
TEL US: +1 (713) 239-9231
E: social@cctintl.com



